# Third Push

In order to better facilitate the service for your users, we also provide third-party-push to help you connect with your users.


In order to minimize conflicts, AIHelp does not integrate any third-party-push. We just serve as a message relay platform to help you remind users or other services in the form of push.


# setPushTokenAndPlatform()

Call this method AFTER Setting UID via updateUserInfo to inform AIHelp of the player's push token and push platform.

AIHelpSupport::setPushTokenAndPlatform("PUSH_TOKEN", PushPlatform::FIREBASE);

# Definition

# pushToken

  • Type: string
  • Details: Required. Users' push token, get it from your push platform.

# pushPlatform

  • Type: PushPlatform
  • Details: Required. AIHelp supports 5 different platforms, which are APNs, FireBase, JPush, GeTui and HuaWei.

# Code Example

The code example is as follows:

AIHelpSupport::updateUserInfo(new UserConfigBuilder().setUserId("uid").build());
AIHelpSupport::setPushTokenAndPlatform("PUSH_TOKEN", PushPlatform::FIREBASE);
Last Updated: 6/7/2023, 9:55:33 AM